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Spelling Bee

Cotton Creek participates in a national spelling bee, the Scripps Spelling Bee. The purpose of the annual bee is to excite students interested in spelling, and those who love to read and write. The bee helps students improve their spelling, increase their vocabularies, learn concepts, and develop correct English usage that will help them all their lives.

Every fall, tens of thousands of schools enroll in our program. During the fall and winter, schools conduct spelling bee programs at the classroom, grade, and/or school level, and send their spelling champions to the next level of competition as designated by their local spelling bee sponsors.

At Cotton Creek, the top spellers from fourth and fifth grades are invited each year to compete in a school competition. Students meet with their Spelling Bee sponsor, practice and study the English language.

The top two spellers from Cotton Creek then move on to the district round, in which they compete against the top spellers from all elementary and middle schools in Adams 12. The next competition is the state and national competition. The Scripps National Spelling Bee is held in Washington, D.C.