PBIS - Positive Behavior Interventions and Support
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based three-tiered framework for improving behavior and analyzing data, examining the systems, and practices affecting student outcomes every day. It is a way to support everyone – especially students with disabilities – to create the kinds of schools where all students are successful.
PBIS allows our students to be taught the rules for the behavioral expectation for every part of the building. This is done by using our acronym CARE. C stands for Cooperation. A stands for Attitude ( being able to choose your attitude and using a growth mindset). R stands for Responsibility. E stands for Empathy. An example of kids understanding the behavior expectation in the hallway might look like this
C: Cooperation, make sure that you are staying on the right side of the hallway.
A: Attitude use a respectful zero voice level so you don’t disrupt other students.
R: Responsibility: make sure to stay in your space keeping your hands and feet to yourself.
E: Empathy, be respectful of other students' work displayed in the hallway and don’t touch what is displayed.
Students are taught behavioral expectations throughout the full school year and there are positive reinforcements in place to encourage and recognize students to follow all the expectations.